An intrauterine device (IUD) is a type of birth control that is inserted into the uterus. It guards against pregnancy by releasing a form of the hormone progestin. Mirena is one of several brands of IUD that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Often, IUDs successfully prevent pregnancy without causing harm. However, there have been instances when IUDs caused injury. This can happen if an IUD migrates from its original position.

This overview will cover some of the signs your Mirena IUD has moved. However, it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. It is imperative that you see a doctor as soon as possible if you have any reason to suspect your IUD has migrated.

You should also strongly consider reviewing your case with a personal injury attorney. If your IUD has caused you harm, you may be able to recover compensation for your medical bills and other losses. An attorney will review the details and determine if you have grounds to pursue a claim or lawsuit.

Signs a Mirena IUD Has Migrated

There are various signs that may indicate a Mirena IUD has moved. They include the following:

  • Heavy vaginal bleeding
  • Bleeding when not on your period
  • Abnormally painful cramping during your period
  • A partner being able to feel your IUD during sexual intercourse
  • Unusual vaginal discharge

It’s always important to see a doctor right away if you suspect your IUD has migrated.

What Can Happen if a Mirena IUD Moves?

IUD migration can cause several potential injuries and difficulties. Examples include:

  • Organ damage: An IUD can perforate the uterine wall when it migrates. This may put organs such as your bladder at risk of damage. It may also cause intestinal blockages.
  • Infections: Certain organs may be more likely to become infected if an IUD migrates.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease: This is an infection that can cause long-term abdominal pain, infertility, and ectopic pregnancy.

None of this is meant to worry you. It’s simply meant to highlight the importance of seeking prompt medical care if you believe your Mirena IUD has moved out of place.

What You Need to Know About Mirena Crash

A Mirena IUD doesn’t necessarily have to be inside your body to cause harm. A Mirena IUD can also impact your health after it’s been removed.

Your body grows accustomed to synthetic hormone production when you have an IUD. This causes your body to stop producing its own hormones. When your IUD is removed, it can take the body some time to regulate hormones on its own. 

During this time, you may experience such symptoms as:

  • Mood swings, which may be severe
  • Hair loss
  • Weight gain
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea

If you are having an IUD removed soon, be on the lookout for these symptoms. Call your doctor right away if you experience any.

Pursuing Compensation for Mirena IUD Complications

You may be able to pursue compensation if you’ve experienced health problems related to a Mirena IUD by filing a product liability claim or lawsuit. Or, you might file a medical malpractice claim or lawsuit if your doctor failed to properly explain the potential consequences of using a Mirena IUD. A lawyer will review your case and help you identify the liable parties who may be responsible for compensating you.

The designers and manufacturers of products such as IUDs have certain duties to consumers. They must take all necessary steps to guard against defective products that may cause harm. They must also market these products in a manner that ensures customers are aware of the risks associated with them.

Physicians have similar duties. A physician recommending a Mirena IUD must let you know the product may result in health complications. If a physician or a company breaches their duties, you can pursue compensation for your medical bills and related losses. Your chances of recovering fair compensation will be much greater if you have legal representation.

Contact Our Product Liability Law Firm in Tampa, FL

If you’ve been injured in an accident in Tampa, FL, and need legal help, contact our Tampa product liability lawyers at Catania & Catania Injury Lawyers to schedule a free consultation.

Catania & Catania Injury Lawyers
Bank of America Plaza
101 E Kennedy Blvd #2400
Tampa, FL 33602
(813) 222-8656

We also provide legal assistance throughout the Tampa Bay Area including Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Sarasota, and Bradenton.