How Safe Are Motor Scooters in Tampa, FL?

Motor scooters are a fun way to get around Tampa, FL. After all, they’re lightweight and easy to maneuver. If…

Facts About Road Rash

Road rash can happen during any traffic accident. Motorcycle accidents, pedestrian accidents, and bicycle accidents often leave victims with the…

Is It Legal to Own a Pet Sloth in Tampa, FL?

Sloths are irresistible; just ask Kristin Bell. They are slow to move, sweet-natured, and shy—causing many social media users to…

Delayed Concussion Symptoms

Concussions can lead to dangerous health outcomes, especially when the injury is left untreated. And while awareness of this condition…

What Does Bar Stand for in the Bar Exam or Bar Association?

If you’ve ever had experience with any kind of claim or lawsuit, you probably went to an attorney for help….

Highest Paid Types Of Lawyers: Must Read

Many assume that all attorneys are wealthy. Some lawyers indeed earn large incomes. However, others make modest salaries. The factors…

My Attorney Screwed Up My Case…What Are My Rights?

If you feel like your attorney has not represented you well, you may be left wondering what you can do….

What Are the 3 Elements of Standing to Sue?

Before discussing the elements of standing to sue, it helps to understand what is meant by standing. The issue is…

What Is the Average Settlement For a Tampa Personal Injury Case?

A personal injury settlement can help you pay for expenses and losses associated with an accident or personal injury. Personal…

How are Pain and Suffering Damages Calculated

Putting a price on someone’s pain and suffering after an accident or injury is almost impossible. Each person suffers differently,…