When you are injured in an accident, you could be entitled to compensation for your damages from the at-fault party. Your damages would include any out-of-pocket expenses related to the accident, your injury, or your recovery. Out-of-pocket expenses are costs you pay that you would not have incurred had you not been injured.
Out-of-pocket expenses typically do not include your lost wages, property damage, and medical bills. Those economic damages are separate categories of damages. However, there may be some crossover between these expenses and your out-of-pocket expenses.
Do not overlook your out-of-pocket expenses; you deserve to be compensated for all expenses and costs you incur because of another party’s negligence and wrongful conduct.
In some cases, the out-of-pocket expenses could total thousands of dollars. Failing to document your out-of-pocket expenses could result in significant unreimbursed losses. Our legal team works with you to document these expenses to maximize the amount you may recover for your injury claim.
Examples of Out-of-Pocket Expenses in Personal Injury Cases

An accident victim pays out-of-pocket expenses out of their own funds. These costs are not billed to an insurance company or reimbursed by insurance providers. Out-of-pocket expenses can relate to your personal care, household services, and medical needs.
Examples of out-of-pocket expenses that you could incur after a personal injury include, but are not limited to:
- Mileage to and from doctors’ appointments and other medical appointments
- Parking fees
- The costs of meals and hotels if you need to travel out-of-town for medical care or treatments
- The cost of bus, taxi, ride-sharing, and other public transportation to and from medical appointments
- Assistance with child care and household services
- Ace bandages, band-aids, alcohol swabs, and other medical supplies
- Over-the-counter medications and prescription drugs
- The amount you pay for an annual deductible for a health insurance plan until your maximum out of pocket medical costs are met
- Bills for covered services under an individual plan, family plan, or other health plans
- Medical services that aren’t covered by health care coverage
- The cost of assistance with personal care, including dressing, bathing, feeding, and other activities of daily living
- Installing ramps and making other modifications to your vehicle or home because of a permanent disability
The insurance company does not reimburse you for out-of-pocket expenses during your recovery. You can only claim these expenses as part of your settlement demand or during a trial.
The insurance company may claim that your expenses were not reasonable or necessary. Therefore, you need to be prepared to justify the expense, such as with a doctor’s note or statement. A personal injury attorney can help you gather evidence to build a case for out-of-pocket expenses.
What Should I Do to Document Out-of-Pocket Expenses?
The more documentation and evidence you have to prove you incurred an expense, the better chance you have of recovering reimbursement for that expense. Therefore, you should keep copies of all bills, invoices, and receipts for expenses. If there is any other documentation or paperwork regarding an expense, place it with the receipt.
If you need to purchase medical equipment or over-the-counter medications, ask your doctor to write a statement indicating why you need the items. Having a medical reason for the expense helps prove that it was necessary.
When a claims adjuster questions the cost of an expense, you might want to obtain documentation from other providers or stores. The comparison can help prove that the cost was reasonable.
When Do I Recover My Out-of-Pocket Expenses and Other Damages?
After you complete medical care and the case is ready to settle, your legal team will prepare a settlement demand package. The package includes a letter explaining the facts of the case, the legal arguments for fault, and your damages.
The insurance company may take several weeks to review the settlement demand and respond. The company may agree to pay the amount or deny the claim. It may also issue a counteroffer and begin the settlement negotiations.
Settlement negotiations can last for several months. We may consider mediation, depending on the facts of the case. When we agree on a settlement amount, you sign the agreement and receive compensation for your case.
Some personal injury cases are not settled through negotiations. If your case goes to trial, we will present your damages to the jury. We might retain medical experts and financial experts to testify regarding the value of your damages. The jury decides how much to award you for your damages if it decides the case in your favor.
Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Tampa Personal Injury Lawyers
You could be entitled to compensation for your out-of-pocket expenses and other damages. Contact our office online or by telephone to request your free consultation with one of our Tampa personal injury attorneys.